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Customs Station \Krakovets\ is rated 2.2 out of 5 in the category [CATEGORY]. Read and write reviews about Customs Station \Krakovets\.
Don't go there! 300 m in 3 hours, 4 hours i waited there under 40 grad! Like hell!! I think they dont working, just Siesta :( one Thing i will go never again!! 0 star, 1 star to much!!
Try to avoid this immigration border control. We were stuck in a long line of car queue for 9 hours. It would take a lot longer if we did not have our baby with us. (After 8 hours of waiting, somebody came and gave me a tip that a car with a baby younger than 3(?) can take fast track. Withtout the baby, you will stay overnight for sure. It was an exodus.
imma was there 2010 and 2012, its werri NOHT gutter border becoz werri much waiting... please fix that...
It was a 4hr wait on the bus to cross into Poland. Apparently this is fairly normal. Do yourself a favour and take the train or fly..
Loooooong wait even if few cars and buses. Definitely many borders control staff both at the Ukrainian and Polish side don't do their job good. In fact they do their job horribly. Never seen such poor flow before in any border crossing point.
There is alot of chaos people are running there and back overtaking you no order come first serve first. Specially the smuglers are rude and do not hesitate to cut you off in line. But the officers are much faster working then the polish guys that is where the line is created.
The staff is very friendly. But it is very slow!
It is terrible! It is very low! I came by bus and already 5 hours here and no progress. :(
Customs Station \Krakovets\
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